Monday, October 7, 2013

Changing of the Seasons

As the first "cold" front of the year hit Texas this past Sunday, I cannot help but to reminisce as to why Autumn is my favorite season of the year. The cool, crisp dry air mixed with less and less daylight triggers wonderful memories of my childhood. I am just going to rattle off a few reasons and memories so bear with me...

My first recollection of "Fall" as a kid was in Whitefish, Montana. I can remember playing in a pile of leaves with my little sister when i was probably five or six.

With dad being a coach, Fall for the Besch family primarily means football season. I remember going to the games in Whitefish and playing football behind the bleachers (when mom would let me) with the other kids.

When I we moved back to Texas from Alaska, I was the ball boy for dads team and all the terrific memories spent with him on the sidelines, in a field house or on a school bus with the teams and players I idolized.

Dad being an avid hunter, the changing of the seasons had bucks running does and also the constant reminder from dad when ever we were driving in the truck to "look for deer!".

Halloween and all the costumes that my mom would go out of her way and spend hours creating for my sister and I. Karate Kid, Snow White, an Astronaut, Beauty, the Beast, a Princess, and a Mountain Man. Mom did it all. Thanks momma.

Mom's Birthday. November 1st. Not only did we have tons of candy (aka Loot) from the night before but we got cake too!

That afternoon in November spent with my dad and Molly hiding behind a row of hay bales and using them as a makeshift blind while deer hunting. Molly laying on a blanket reading a Babysitter Club book and Dad shoving his knee into the bale so I could sit and steady my rifle when that 7 point buck walked out into the pasture.

*theres a BSC book in that hoodie

The celebration with Dad and Molly around that beautiful 7 point late that November day.

The East Texas Yamboree in Gilmer. The parade with the marching bands, fire trucks, floats, and awesome cars carrying the royal court and Yam Queen. Those kick ass carnival rides like the Gravitron, Sizzler, and Tilt-a-Whirl. Spending those nights sleeping (or lack thereof) in the show barn with members of the FFA and their show heifers, steers, pigs and chickens.

Thanksgiving. Family, food, and football. And food. Turkey and ham are just fillers. We all know that we are there for the broccoli rice casserole, dressing, sweet potatoes with marshmallows and pecans, poppa's "green jello", hot rolls, pumpkin and pecan pie and my personal favorite, Shoe peg Corn.


Those Thanksgivings spent in the parking lot of some stadium and tailgating before a playoff game.

The cool, crisp, fresh air and the smell of burning oak and leaves.

New coats and jackets.

Bonfires in the backyard.

Just touched on some of the wonderful fall memories I cherish. Hoping there's many, many more to come!