Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fast Pace Evolution

Well, I am ashamed that I have not been doing a very good job blogging. Since my last post, life has been going nonstop and what sometimes seems 1000 miles an hour. Between the start of football season for the Besch family, a new position at work, flying up to Boston to see Molly, David and Lance, and moving into a new home, I have not have the ti...... Ah BS... I have been lazy.

So before I started to just throw a bunch of words down, I decided to re-read my previous post and....


Strange how I was ranting about my profession and have now embarked into a new career and path in life! Who knows whats going to happen! I'm excited for what may lay ahead and in store for me.

Its also funny how I was going to get my college degree to teach and coach for a profession and follow in the parents footsteps, if you will. Well for one reason or another, I branched away from that path only to now find myself in a role where I am teaching and coaching for a living!

Now I don't know why my career has evolved like this but I am a believer in that things happen for a reason. I think that what we do, where we go, who we meet, and what opportunities are presented to us... are not by chance. They are blessings. We act upon them accordingly, take what we have learned and live!

So I'll step off the 'ol soap box now and post some pictures. Oh... and Go Texans! Go Red Soxs!


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