Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Garwood Yippy Kai-Yay!

Hello from Holiday Inn Express in Midland, Texas!

Today's travels have me weary and I find myself throwing seductive glances towards that king size pillow top behind me.

I do, however have a little story...

So this morning around 7:15, I sat in Garwood drinking coffee with dad and Chuck while watching the Golf Channel. I had just opened the window blinds to let the morning sun shine through when I was suddenly startled by the sight of a young, paint colt trotting down the middle of Main Street in front of the house! This young colt had a long 20' lead trailing behind him attached to a large cinder block. This poor little pony was clearly spooked by the loud scraping noise cause by the cinder block that was chasing him down the road! Well, I bolted out of the chair and hit the door running. I ran out to the road trying to catch him and slow him down because highway 71 was only a hundred yards or so away. I get to the road, bare feet and all, and realize he is turning down the road next to the house that parallels the highway so I stop my pursuit (primarily because I didn't have a chance in hell of catching him). Then, out of nowhere, this sorrel colored pony comes running up from behind me and passes me dragging a long lead but with no block attached! That joker scared the heck out of me! By this time I'm just standing there watching her follow the paint around the corner. So I started heading back to the house for backup.

Dad in the meantime, had calmly gotten up, put on some shoes, and got into the truck just about the time I retreated to the garage. I jumped in the truck and we start the low speed chase! As we back out of the drive and started down the road, we find the pair of fugitives behind our neighbors barn standing there looking at us the truck. I couldn't help but imagine that they were saying to each other, "what in the hell do we do now"?!

So I climbed back out of the truck after we slowly eased up to them. In my bare feet, I executed my ninja cowboy skills and slowly approached these wild bandits. They were still startled and were not to thrilled seeing this big, ugly man trying to give them the sneak. I'd get close to a lead rope and they would trot a few yards off, closer to the highway. So, frustrated by their keen sense, in defeat I walked back and got into the truck.

We left them to see if we couldn't find their owner down the road. We made a few blocks but couldn't find where they had escaped from and finely decided to head back to try again. We rounded the corner and find them calmly munching on some delicious green grass! Dad inched the truck forward and managed to get close enough to stop the front tire of the truck on top of one of the leads! I slowly got out with my ninja cowboy skills on high alert. Mind and body 100% zoned in ready to pounce or evade and began to execute my well honed horse whispering skills. I gently talked to them. I may of mentioned that I wanted to be their friend and that I really did not want a hoof to the face or crotch or to any part of my body. To my surprise, the young paint walked right up to me and stuck his nose into my hand as to say "hey buddy, got an apple"?! I grabbed his halter and carefully walked him over and tied him off to a trailer. I then perfectly executed a swift, ninja cowboy prance and grabbed the sorrel's lead! Dad backed the truck up as I skillfully walked her over to the same trailer and got her tied up!

Success! (insert barefoot booty dance!)

We left the duo tied to the trailer and went back to the house to finish our coffee. I walked back outside an hour or so later to check on them and they had been found by their owner and were gone. Didn't even get to say goodbye to my new friends!

Anyway...That's all I got for tonight.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a great Monday morning commute.  I know I'll be a little more active in the blogging world this week as I am here on business and find hotel boredom the biggest motivator to start typing away.

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