Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Do You Know A Great Tattoo Artist?

Ladies and Gentlemen,
This week I find myself far away from home on one of my adventures in exotic Midland, Texas.  For a traveler wandering the sand, stones, and tumbleweeds in this harsh, arid land that's riddled with pump jacks, oil rigs and ample amounts of dust... there is not much to do around here while "flying solo".

So this evening, while fighting a severe case of boredom and after finishing my spectacular room service dinner, (Rib Eye Steak with Maitre D Hotel Butter, Fingerling Potatoes, Vegetable Du Jour, Caesar Salad and a glass of Cab Sauvignon) I had a inspiring conversation with a friend.

It started as a simple Facebook message inquiring if I was interested in some Houston Dynamo tickets for this weekend.  Knowing to whom I was conversing with, I was not surprised to find that it had quickly evolved into a full fledged, laugh-out-loud, hour long, BS session in which I was very, very grateful.  You see, it had quenched that severe case of boredom I had been battling with.  However, not only did it cure my lack of stimuli out in West Texas, during this diverse intellectual conversation I was asked a simple question that could of resulted in life altering consequences (a slight exaggeration if you will).  What is the question that I know you are anxiously anticipating?

"Do you know a great tattoo artist?"

Now this might seem as the random of randomest questions but for those who know me, I believe its about "par for the course" for my personality and mad BS-ing skills, ability, and grace.  My reply is what kick started me sitting here at this desk in my hotel room at 1:09am throwing my thoughts out in digital form.  What was my instant, gut reaction reply?

"I do not. Maybe that's something i should know before I kick the bucket..."

Immediately after hitting the send button, I sat back and analyzed what I had said.  Maybe that's something i should know before I kick the bucket.  Now I do not have a philosophy degree (nor would I ever wish to have one just because it sounds so damn painful) and I am not big on preaching from an extremely structurally sound soap box but that little hamster inside my dome piece began hauling some serious ass on that little exercise wheel.

How did, "maybe that's something I should know before I kick the bucket" get me so riled up?  I sat on that oh so lush, pillow-top, Hilton mattress and began to brake it down to the most basic and naked idea....

Live life to the fullest.

(soap box warning)
Friends...take chances.  Think.  Sing.  Travel.  Explore.  Love.  Get dirty.  Cry.  Laugh.  Laugh till you cry.  Cry till you laugh.  Be spontaneous.  Work hard.  Look for ways to perform random acts of kindness for strangers.  Experience things in this world while you still can.  Don't look back when your physically unable to "Go" and "Do" and wish you had done so when you were younger.

My Grandma Dorothy has a magazine cut-out taped to her bathroom mirror that reads, "Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting, 'WOW . . . What a ride!'"  I hope that's how I am going about living my life.

So tonight I have added something and taken something off my imaginary "bucket list" while in exotic Midland.

One day, I want to know a great tattoo artist.

What did I take off my list?

I've always wanted to start my own blog.

Check ya later


  1. Pretty good for a first blog, I am especially interested in the answer to the question. I still need an amazing tattoo artist. She says while eating a boudin breakfast croissant.

  2. yesssss...a matt-blog.

    write everyday.
